Barbara Roman


Barbara Roman

Barbara Roman

Suspense, Teen & Young Adult, Children's

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    Feb 2019

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    United States

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Author B. Roman (aka Barbara Roman) has been in the creative arts since childhood, when she began singing as well as writing. Her music has always informed her writing subject matter in both fiction and non-fiction works.
She is the author of the five-book Moon Singer series, two suspense novels, and three children’s books.
“It's difficult to serve two masters, as they say, but I was compelled to do so. When I was not singing, I was writing; when I was not writing, I was singing. I've learned, for me, that one creative expression nurtures the other. It is natural, therefore, that The Moon Singer series has its roots in musical theories and metaphors, entwined with the magic and mystery of metaphysical concepts and matters of ethics, faith, compassion, love, and heroism. Most of all, I hope my books inspire readers to know that, whatever their circumstances in life their greatest challenges are opportunities for growth and strength.“
B. Roman’s mantra as an author is “Your book can change someone’s life. Even for that one person, never give up - success is always just around the corner.”


The Moon Singer Series

Barbara Roman Books

Book Teaser

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